
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Resources & Friends of Kate

Below you'll find various Resources I frequently recommend and a list of friends and health practitioners I admire. I will be updating this as I find new contributions that I think you'll appreciate. Enjoy & thrive! 

Books & Cookbooks
The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Dr Vasant Lad
Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life by Dr Claudia Welch
Lord Dhanvantari, the physician of the gods
Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Robert Svoboda
The 3 Season Diet by John Douillard
The Tao and the Dharma by Robert Svoboda
Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners by Amadea Morningstar
The Ayurvedic Cookbook by Amadea Morningstar
Eat-Taste-Heal: an Ayurvedic Cookbook for Modern Living
Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
The Yoga Body Diet by Douillard and Dollard
Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra
Shadow Yoga, Chaya Yoga by Shandor Remete
Living your Yoga by Judith Lasater

Online Resources
Yoga for Women by Emma Balnaves
"The Satisfaction Diet" from Vegetarian Times
Food Combining by Dr Vasant Lad
Fran's House of Ayurveda Recipe Blog
Joyful Belly Recipe Website
Cardamom Kitchen
Food: A Love Story
The Spiced Plate
Doctor Blossom
Myurveda at the Apple App Store

Friends & Practitioners I Admire
The Mindful Body Center: Yoga & Massage in San Francisco
SF Insight Meditation Community
Dr Claudia Welch
Dr John Douillard
Dr Robert Svoboda
Dr Scott Blossom and Chandra Easton
Eric Kerr: Community Acupuncture in SF
Dr Vasant Lad
Jamie Goodman, Acupuncturist
David Kresner, Yoga Teacher 
Nathan Ng, Tai Chi
Sarah Kucera: Yoga, Chiropractic & Ayurveda


  1. Always great to have a list of resource. Thanks, Kate!

  2. I'm so glad you commented because I meant to add you to the list and forgot! It's updated now with your lovely blog. :)

  3. what school did you attend?

    1. Hi Anonymous, I studied Ayurveda at Mount Madonna Center in the Santa Cruz mountains and continue my studies locally with my Shadow Yoga teacher, Scott Blossom (a devotee of Robert Svoboda).

  4. Hey Kate,

    Found you on Elephant as a fellow contributor. I teach yoga in Nashville and also have a blog;bitchinyoga on wordpress. Thank you for providing this beautiful site as a resource for invigorating our cooking attention!!! I used one of your kitchari recipes last night.

    That Stinson Beach retreat looks tantalizing. All the best, Hilary

    1. Hi Hillary, What a great blog you have; I love how you don't hold back! I'm still working up to that place, and am guessing it will come with age/experience/time once I've grown a thicker skin. That said, in the meantime, I do love posting friendly recipes about delicious food, and I'm thrilled you're enjoying it. :)

      Keep up the no-nonsense blogging about yoga- hope to join you there soon!

  5. Great list dear Kate! Always fun to hear from you :)

    1. I'm so happy to have your site on my list- I hope lots of my site visitors check out your awesome collection of recipes and stories. :) (
