
Monday, April 30, 2012

Recipe: Spiced Roasted Garbanzo Beans & Confetti Barley Salad

I really love both of these recipes because they say "Spring!" I ate the barley two days in a row and these garbanzo beans were a hit at a picnic with friends (plus they're so easy!). Both dishes are excellent for Kapha dosha which likes to become aggravated in the Spring. These recipes are also both appropriate for Pitta (provided you make the necessary tweaks) as the attributes of Garbanzo beans and Barley are cool and drying to the system. With the sudden heat waves hitting the Bay Area, I knew Barley was the grain to eat.

Here's some great information on both from Amadea Morningstar's book The Ayurvedic Cookbook:

"Garbanzos are the most drying of all legumes, and so are especially excellent for damp Kapha."

"Barley's attributes are coolness, lightness and dryness...It is a diuretic and laxative in action. It pulls water into the body, but then pulls an even greater amount beneficial for Kapha-- and not so useful for Vata. Its cool grounded qualities make it helpful for Pitta. It is serviceable for preventing constipation, especially in those of Pitta and Kapha persuasion. It also can heal chronic diarrhea with mucus. Barley can be used to alleviate Vata if well-spiced with medicinal herbs like fennel and calamus, and moistened with oil and vinegar...Diluted as a thin grain drink, it can be drunk to bring down fevers and calm inflamed urinary tracts. It is also a nutritious food for infants." 


1/2 a can of garbanzo beans, rinsed well
1-2 T olive oil
1/2 t ground cumin
1/4 t ground coriander
1/4 t salt
dash each of cinnamon & pepper 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine spices with olive oil to make a sauce. Toss the garbanzo beans in the sauce then spread out on a baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 7-10 minutes or until desired crunchiness is reached.

  • Vata Dosha: not great for you sadly. If you're going to have them, use 2 T oil and don't cook for too long as dry crunchy things will bring Vata out of balance. 
  • Pitta Dosha: good so long as you omit cinnamon, increase coriander to 1/2 t and use 1 1/2 T oil. Serve with lots of fresh or lightly cooked greens and grains. 
  • Kapha Dosha: great! Use just 1 T oil and add a pinch of cayenne or paprika for extra goodness. 


1 c pearled barley
1 zucchini, grated
2 carrots, grated
1 T coconut oil
2 t fresh ginger, minced
1/2 t cumin seeds
1/2 t fennel seeds
handful chopped cilantro

handful of hemp seeds
tamari or salt to taste

Cook barley as you would brown rice (2:1 water:grain ratio). I like to do mine in my rice cooker; it couldn't be easier. Once the barley is done add the zucchini and carrots and cover. This will gently steam the vegetables. Meanwhile, in a large pan, heat the coconut oil then add the ginger and stir occasionally until just starting to brown. Add the cumin and fennel and stir until aromatic (2 minutes). Turn off the heat and add the barley mixture to the spices in the pan and combine well. Add the cilantro, hemp seeds and tamari or salt to taste and serve! 

  • Vata: only to be enjoyed very occasionally as barley can aggravate Vata with any frequency or in sensitive types. Chew well when you do enjoy. You can add more spices to your liking to assist digestion. 
  • Pitta: great! Use minimal tamari. Can add 1/2 t coriander to oil as well. 
  • Kapha: great! Can also use thinly sliced bell peppers with zucchini and carrots. Finish your dish with a hearty sprinkle of fresh ground black pepper. 

Confetti Barley Salad to top a Red Lettuce Salad


  1. Yum-o! When are you and Blake going to open a restaurant?!

  2. This looks amazing, I need to try this, especially cause I just picked up some barley! Thanks for the recipe :)

  3. So glad it's just what you needed Kristin! You might try this one out too...cabbage & basil are great for this time of year :) Enjoy!
