
Friday, March 30, 2012

Recipe: Fresh Mint & Ginger Tea plus a Video: Uddiyana Bandha Kriya!

In Spring, the season of Kapha dosha, we get to shed our layers and spring forth into a new world of chance, opportunity and abundance! Kapha is brought into balance by engaging in movement, things that are new and exciting, and moments that are spicy and sexy! 

This is my favorite time of year to focus on awakening our bellies: the seat of agni (fire) and the energetic home of our root, our ability to create, and our power! 

My favorite tool for awakening the belly is...not asana, but pranayama! Learning how to breathe with your belly is key to creating good circulation, which we need for balanced doshas. What I offer you today via the video above is a practice that suits all doshas while awakening the belly: Uddiyana Bandha Kriya! Uddiyana Bandha Kriya is my favorite pranayama practice and is also one of the Shat Kriyas or six yogic cleansing actions. Uddiyana Bandha Kriya is great for all doshas and awakening the belly. You can do it every day of the year (except when menstruating, pregnant and a couple other exceptions- watch the video to learn more).  It will take your asana practice from 0 to 60 if you learn how to incorporate it regularly. It will also help your body detox and engage your core with each breath naturally with no external force, which means you can strengthen your core without upsetting Vata dosha- a very tricky thing to do! Enjoy awakening your belly and don't worry if it doesn't come at first (or for the first month), just stick with it and keep exhaling deeply. 

*Yogis, something to note: I've learned Uddiyana Bandha Kriya as drawing the navel back towards the spine but not up towards the heart. I have found this instruction very beneficial in balancing my pitta. I encourage you to try it. 

Whilst I was doing my own cleanse over the last few weeks I was in LOVE with fresh mint. This tea was a mainstay for me and is perfect for this time of year. The Fresh Mint & Ginger Tea you find below will help boost your agni, your digestive power, and spark your appetite for life! The mint and ginger are both delicious digestive stimulants that you can use to empower your belly to transform your food into energy for your spring time adventures. This tea is great for all doshas, so brew and sip to discover your inner radiance and let it shine into your life!


Serves 2. 

2 sprigs fresh mint, leaves removed from stem
4 slices of fresh ginger
2-3 cups of water

Combine mint leaves, ginger and water in a small pot and bring to boil. Turn down heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. Can sweeten with honey once cooled to drinkable temperature. 

  • Vata: Use maple syrup, brown rice syrup or date sugar to sweeten
  • Pitta: Use 1 slice of ginger. Use Maple to sweeten. 
  • Kapha: Enjoy! Don't sweeten every time you enjoy this tea- learn to enjoy the natural sweetness of the mint. 


  1. Hi Kate, I really like your blog and look forward to reading your recipes and information with interest. I do have a question about the design of your blog - I am finding it very difficult to read the pale gray text on the white background. There is very little contrast between the text and the bacground. Is this a deliberate stylistic choice? Have any other readers commented on this?

  2. You know you're the first to comment on that, but I want it to be as readable as possible. I've darkened the text. Is it easier to read now?
