Anyway, with the intensive tomorrow will be a very busy day for me: 6:30-8:30am practice, 9:30-11am teach, 1:30-3pm practice, 4-5pm Ayurvedic practitioner sangha tea, 6-7:30pm teach. You can see, I have little pockets of time here and there, but not much when you realize that these events all take place at different locations. With this much yoga, I need something that's going to give me energy and be digested easily. Plus when asked what to do for sore muscles this week, Scott said to follow a vegetarian diet that features spiced cooked foods and to do abhyanga with epsom salts baths...
What I've decided on for tomorrow is a little Simple-Food-Day. Dr Claudia Welch says that when life gets more stressful (or in this case busier) it is wise to simplify your diet, and that's what I've done below. If you're feeling busy or want to take a day to help you feel more fresh, less achy, steady energy and a digestive reboot, I encourage you to try what I've listed below. If you do, please let me know how you find it. And if you have variations on it that you prefer, please share those too in the comments below. I love hearing your ideas; you guys have some really great ones!
ONE DAY BODY-MIND RESET (customized for summertime)
- Wake before sunrise (don't check email & facebook until after yoga)
- Drink hot water with fresh lemon & a touch of honey. Drink warm water throughout the day.
- Yoga practice including 5 rounds of uddiyana bandha kriya (note: don't pull navel up, just back)
- Breakfast: Mung Bean Soup with chopped vegetables & spices (follow kitchari recipe but double the amount of beans, eliminate rice, and cook in a pot) <-- be sure to eat mindfully with a smile
- Go about work with extra mindfulness around being positive & following yamas (ethical relationships, i.e. non-violence, truthfulness, not stealing, continence and the non-gripping of things and thoughts) & niyamas (internal awareness, i.e. cleanliness, contentment, mystical burning, self study and surrender to God). *Note: Yamas & Niyamas are the first and second limbs of yoga that precede Asana (seats or postures).
- Lunch: Mung Bean Soup with cooked grain (quinoa or rice) <-- eat with someone you enjoy and savor your food while having pleasant conversation OR eat happily alone
- Snack: Organic Apple chewed very well and eaten mindfully
- Dinner: Cooked grain and cooked spiced vegetables of the season <-- eaten mindfully
- Electronics off by 10pm.
- Bedtime tea before bed. (like Chamomile or any Sweet Dreams type tea)
- Meditation with mantra for 5+ minutes before bed.
- In bed by 11pm
- Rub oil on feet, give yourself little foot massage & put on socks before falling asleep.
- As you rest in bed awaiting the sand man, invite in sweet dreams and a relaxed body, so you can wake rejuvenated.
And that's it. Pretty simple right? Give it a go for a day. I'll bet you love it. Just one day can give you clarity around what practices best support the life you want to create for yourself.
Let me know how it goes in the comments below...
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