
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Recipe: Rice Cooker Kitchari

Everyone always asks me, "Can you cook kitchari in a rice cooker?" and I am happy to report that yes, you can. It won't be as mushy as kitchari on the stove would be, but sometimes that's a nice thing. (Mushier kitchari = easier to digest kitchari f.y.i.) Rice cooker kitchari is especially useful in the summer when standing over a stove watching food cook can aggravate Pitta especially when it's already hot out. This remedies the situation nicely. 

One of my favorite things about Rice Cooker Kitchari is that fits so well with my morning yoga practice: 
I wake up,
drink some hot water with lemon, 
wash the rice & beans, 
pop them in the rice cooker with water, fresh ginger & kombu, 
do my yoga practice (at home)
stir in ghee/oil and spices and presto: breakfast! 

It's always good to bear in mind that when life gets busier, it's wise to simplify your lifestyle and diet. Kitchari plus some early morning yoga are great ways to buffer your health from the stresses of life. I hope you enjoy this recipe and that it brings some ease to your day and more kitchari to your diet :) 

Serves 4

2/3 c white basmati rice (works well with quinoa too)
1/3 c split mung beans, ideally soaked overnight
4 c water
3 coins fresh ginger
1/2 stick kombu, broken into 1/2 in by 1/2 in pieces or something similarly small and bite-size
1 heaped T ghee or coconut oil
1/2 t turmeric 
1 t cumin powder
1 t coriander powder
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 t salt, or use bragg's or tamari to taste
To garnish: 
  • toasted coconut, cilantro and/or lime for Pitta
  • toasted coconut, sesame seeds, dulse flakes and/or lime for Vata
  • red chili flakes, chopped herbs of choice and/or lime for Kapha

Rinse rice and beans well so that water runs clear. Put rice, beans, water, ginger and kombu in the rice cooker. Turn on and happily do something mindful (like yoga, meditation, abhyanga or dishes) while it all cooks.* Once it's done, mix in ghee then spices then salt. Taste and adjust as needed. Serve with appropriate garnish. 

*Note: If you're rice cooker is very fancy like mine and you have to choose a setting, choose the one for White Rice. (By the way, really wish I had a simpler rice cooker now, doh!)

This recipe is tri-doshic but can be adapted as follows to make even more dosha friendly: 
  • Vata Dosha: Add 1/2 t Garam Masala (or 1/4 t cinnamon and 1/4 t cardamom) with the spices and an extra T ghee
  • Pitta Dosha: Add a piece of burdock root while cooking.  Add 1/2 to 1 t ground fennel.
  • Kapha Dosha: Add an extra 1/8- 1/4 t ground fenugreek and 1/2 tsp Garam Masala with the spices. 
One more thing... if you haven't seen the movie Today's Special, I highly recommend it. It came out in 2009 and I missed it in theaters. I've been periodically checking Netflix for it for the last THREE years, and it's finally streaming! It was worth the wait. If you enjoy cooking, spices, and fairly cheesy movies, you'll love this! Watch the trailer below. So much fun! 


  1. Thanks for the movie recommedation Kate. I love cooking movies and anything Indian so that's a win for me. If you haven't seen it already check out Mistress of the Spices - pretty cute movie.
    Unfortunately I've had to abandon rice cookers cause the one I have has non-stick coating which freaks me out now. I've had no luck finding one with a stainless steel inner where I live, so it's the old saucepan method for me:)

  2. I'll have to check out Mistress of Spice; thanks for the tip! And you know, my cooker has the non-stick too. It's such a bummer. I haven't been able to find one that's stainless steel. If you find one you like, please send word my way! Be well and thanks for visiting the blog! :)

  3. I too was freaked out by the non-stick lining of rice cookers, so I found this stainless lined rice cooker online - Here is the link:

    1. Thanks so much for the recommendation Julie! It's great to see that it's gotten such great reviews as well

  4. It would be nice to have a stainless steal rice cooker (but they are so expensive!). Please don't stress out too much about the non-stick coating. The science shows that it isn't toxic unless heated above 500 F. Rice cooker presumably don't exceed the water boiling point.

  5. I am home sick today looking for kitchari recipes and landed in your page....thank you for the movie recommendation. I am about to watch it now! :)

    1. I'm so glad you found this page, and I hope you enjoyed the movie; it's such a cute one. Feel better soon! OM! :)
