
Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Chill Out & Decompress: 5 Tips for Summer Health & Happiness

My view from this past weekend spent in the North Bay - gorgeous! 
We are having a most beautiful heat/sunshine-wave here in the Bay Area and to stay balanced and healthy, it's critical that we change our routines accordingly. The Mindful Body, a.k.a. my second home of the last six years and the yoga studio I teach at, sends out a monthly newsletter with an column on Ayurveda by yours truly, and this month, I gave five tips to bring you into Summer-time healthy habits. (Want to get the MB newsletters? Go here and scroll down to sign-up)

Who are these recommendations most valuable for?
Individuals with strong Pitta will need to be most on their game this season so that they don't end up with any of the following: 
  • inflammatory skin conditions
  • acne
  • migraines 
  • acid-reflux
  • loose stools
  • problems with anger or judgment
amongst other things. If you are already experiencing one or more of the above, a more comprehensive program including diet, lifestyle, yoga and Ayurvedic medicinal herbs can be of real benefit, and I would love to talk to you about how to incorporate these things. Take a second and read about working with me here and if you're local, join the Summer Shodhana program at The MB that starts on July next month (Learn all about that here). 

I hope these 5 tips serve you well this season, and remember the two buzz words of summer health: 
Moderation  &  Compassion. 

practicing Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana this weekend - one of my favorite twists!
*especially good for those with spinal asymmetries

As we move into the warmer weather, qualities of heat (Pitta Dosha) start to become more apparent in our health; we are more driven, passionate and potentially critical or irritable. To keep these qualities in a healthy balance with relaxation and compassion, we want to develop habits that balance this heat. Try one or two of the suggestions below and see if you can channel your inner chilled-out self a little more than the power-hungry Pitta.

#1 Start each day with a wedge of fresh lemon and warm-hot water (and maybe skip the coffee). 
The hot water supports kidney function and the lemon gives your liver a boost at the start of the day. Lemon water is also a great way to gently remove toxins for the body that build up from stress, poor digestion or poor quality food. 

#2 Chill out at lunchtime. 
During the hours of 10am and 2pm is the time when Pitta Dosha or the internal fire grows strongest. The digestive fire needs to be fed with food, and the mental fire needs to be calmed with some time to chill out. Try taking an extra 5-30 minutes at lunch to just relax off of the computer/smart-phone and away from your to-do list.

#3 Skip the spicy food. 
While some spicy food was useful in spring to stave off colds, now it can cause excess inflammation in the body and mind. Leave chilis, peppers, and garlic off the menu and add in soothing spices like coriander, mint and fennel instead.

#4 Twist more.  
Pitta Dosha has its seat in the stomach and its associated sense organ is the eyes. By gently wringing out the abdomen with twists while keeping the gaze soft and the breath relaxed we can balance excessively heated digestion (like diarrhea or acid-reflux at its worst) and a hotheaded mind.

#5 Finish your yoga practice with a few breaths of Shitali or Sitkari pranayama.
Shitali and Sitakari are two easy cooling breath practices that are well suited for after yoga practice in the summertime especially if you're sweating a fair amount. Shitali is done by inhaling through a rolled tongue, closing the mouth & relaxing the tongue, then exhaling through the nose. Sitkari is done by inhaling through the sides of a smile then closing the mouth and exhaling through the nose. Both have a cooling effect on the body and especially the mind. Practicing 5 breaths of one of these at the end of practice is sufficient for most people.

Did you hear about Summer Shodhana, 
the Ayurvedic Intensive & 3-Day Detox I'm leading in July? 
I'll be teaching you all about Ayurveda, your constitution, hands-on Ayurvedic cooking, Yoga from the Ayurvedic Perspective and leading you in a 3-Day Summer-Special Detox! This material is fresh and like nothing I've offered before; I am so excited to bring you the opportunity to integrate Ayurveda for summertime living! Read all about the Summer Shodhana course here! 

Are you a Cleanse Alumni? You can attend just the Sunday workshop to join us for the 3-Day Detox at a reduced rate! You'll love this mid-year tune-up! 

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