
Friday, February 3, 2012

Recipe: Super Dips! Miso Dip & Chunky Homestyle Hummus

Patty's Miso Dip with Steamed Asparagus (a VPK balancing vegetable)
To embrace the Super Bowl this Sunday (even though the Niners won't be playing :( ) I've decided to post some fantastically tasty homemade dips! When I think of Super Bowl gatherings, the worst thing I think of on the menu is processed dip made from who-knows-what, a memory of an introduction to Ruffles Ranch dip as a child comes to mind- blech! But have no fear, these two healthy dips are great competition for the processed stuff and can easily take center stage going with vegetables and chips as you like. 

The Miso Dip is courtesy of yoga student and cook Patty Corwin, who I used to assist in the kitchen at The San Francisco School one day a week. She taught me everything I know about making soups and has a great knack for making things delicious, easy and appealing to kids and adults alike! My boyfriend and I first tried this Miso Dip at her Holiday Party with sliced vegetables and couldn't get enough.  Miso isn't commonly used in Ayurveda, and traditionally wouldn't be recommended to consume with any frequency because it is fermented and therefore rajasic or can aggravate the mind. That said, according to Chinese tradition it is said to "promote long life and good health, treat and prevent radiation sickness and to neutralize some of the effects of smoking and air pollution" (Paul Pitchford of Healing with Whole Foods) - something we can all use here in our busy city. Miso will definitely spike Pitta and Kapha if enjoyed in excess or too often. Periodically, however, I believe Miso can benefit all doshas. Miso is most suited to Vata types as it is salty and fermented.

The story behind my Homemade Hummus is a unique one, and like many great things, was born out of necessity. I was travelling and without much access to vegetarian food and without a blender. I made this by hand just using a fork to mash the garbanzos and I've stuck with the chunkier texture, celery bits and whole sesame seeds every since. This hummus is close to tri-doshic- be sure to note the suggestions for each dosha at the bottom of the recipe to make it most suited to your body, digestion and mind. I can easily enjoy the better half of this recipe in one sitting - yikes!- so consider yourself warned! ;) You'll be able to taste the raw garlic and you can consider it similarly as you would Miso: rajasic and Pitta aggravating in excess or if you already have a Pitta imbalance (inflammation, redness, loose stools), but in small amounts can give your body a great boost to fight infection and viruses: just what we need in the cold season! 

Enjoy these dips and try to eat mindfully amongst the cheering and booing of Sunday's Game. 
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

My Homestyle Hummus with Tortilla Chips

Makes 2 cups.

1 c vegetable oil 
1/2 c water
1/4 c white miso paste
1/8 c soy sauce (I used Tamari) 
1/8 c rice or cider vinegar
1 green onion chopped
1/4 t honey

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix well. Keeps for 4-5 days in the fridge.

  • Vata: good in moderation. Enjoy with a cooked vegetable. 
  • Pitta: not recommended but ok for occasional use. Enjoy with raw vegetables as you like. 
  • Kapha: not recommended but ok for occasional use. Can thin more with an tablespoon water or more. Enjoy with lightly steamed cruciferous vegetable (broccoli or cauliflower)

Makes 2 cups.

1 can cooked chickpeas, drained (approximately 1 2/3 c)
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil 
1/8 c water
juice of 1 lemon
2 large cloves garlic, minced
2 heaped t ground cumin
1/4 t salt
1/2 c finely chopped celery
1/4 c sesame seeds, toasted in a hot pan - watch carefully! 

In a small blender, combine 3/4 of the chickpeas, oil, water, lemon juice, garlic, cumin and salt until smooth. In a bowl, place remaining chickpeas, and using a fork, mash them lightly. Add celery, sesame seeds and blender mixture. Mix well and taste. If serving with a salted chip of some kind leave hummus as is, if serving with plain pitta or vegetables, add additional salt to your liking.

  • Vata: not recommended but with additional olive oil, less garlic and a completely smooth texture, is ok for occasional enjoyment. 
  • Pitta: ok. Reduce garlic to 1 clove and add 1 t coriander. Use minimal salt.
  • Kapha: Good. Reduce sesame seeds to 2 tablespoons and add an additional 1 or 2 teaspoons paprika. 


  1. Oh, Kate, yum! I love making home-made hummus, and always enjoy new ideas. Even more, I've been craving miso these days, and this dip looks so delicious. Might even make a good burrito or sandwich spread. Can't wait to try ~ thx!

  2. Oh, these look so amazing! I'm drooling over here...even though I'm not watching the super bowl, I might still make these...they'd fill any bowl with super-ness!
