
Friday, January 20, 2012

Catch-up and lots of food inspiration

Gosh, I've been out of touch! Things have been great here on my end and I'm thrilled that the rain finally arrived in San Francisco yesterday! Less dryness, yay!

But really, my life has been full with so many wonderful things I almost don't know where to start...I'll give you the photo story...

The biggest news: I graduated from Mount Madonna as a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner! (ok, I actually have one more weekend of observing the amazing Dr Sarita Shrestha but I've already taken my final exam and received honors, woohoo!!) Dr John Douillard spoke at our graduation and was absolutely inspirational. It was my second time studying with him, and I feel so fortunate to have been able to do so. I can think of no one who relates the wisdom of Ayurveda more easily to an American audience. If you haven't read his book The 3-Season Diet I highly recommend it.
*Also, my mom brought me flowers from San Francisco and she said when she was telling the flower girl about what they were for, the flower girl said she follows my blog! So flower girl out there, I LOVED my flowers! They smell gorgeous; thank you! :)
Me at graduation with some of my lovely classmates
I led the New Year Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat at Stinson Beach, and it was perfect! The weather was beautiful, I had the help of a most accomplished cook (my significant other) and I couldn't have asked for a nicer group of people for a day of yoga, cooking and outdoors.

Delicious Roasted Vegetables from our retreat lunch served with coconut cilantro sauce.
Both recipes are from Eat Taste Heal-- a fantastic cookbook! 

On Monday I went on a long marina walk with my man and we had some fun taking photos... this is one of my favorites: San Fran-Shakti, don't you think? ;) 

There's only one thing lately that's driven me absolutely BANANAS and that's this page I found while browsing O Magazine while in line at the grocery store... Hunger is essential for health!! It's your bodies way of saying it's ready for food. No hunger and your body is taking in food that it's not ready to digest. If it's not ready to digest it, it won't metabolize or eliminate it well. Being hungry before meals is the BEST way to avoid indigestion, lethargy, weight gain and depression. Let you inner fires burn and you'll start to feel more radiant- especially this time of year! Read more here: Dr John Douillard on Meals

Lastly, what I've been eating when my digestive fire is burning brightly...

This morning's breakfast: Breakfast rice with raisins & toasted coconut

Lunch: roasted butternut squash with steamed carrots, olive oil and sesame seeds - green lentils with spices and fresh ginger - brown basmati rice (hidden under lentils) - chopped sauteed kale with onion - all garnished with cilantro and avocado

Quinoa with sauteed swiss chard, sliced broccoli stalks, roasted butternut squash medallions and chopped green onion, sesame seeds and bragg's liquid aminos. 

I'm in love with The Republic of Tea's new line of Rooibos based teas. This one (get charged) even has Ashwagandha and Ginseng - perfect for a caffeine-free boost in the winter time. Shown with steamed milk on top. YUM!
Kitchari Sushi!!
Just when you thought you'd seen kitchari every way imaginable...
I made this with lentils, brown rice, avocado, sweet potato, a little bell pepper and obviously nori. It was delicious and super easy! I highly recommend trying it out. Especially because seaweed is so good for breast health (watch this video to learn more)
Basmati rice with brown lentils, mustard greens, carrots, broccoli stalk and a sauce of hummus, water and lemon juice.
So tasty!
Your reward for making it all the way to the end of my blog post: 
Me lookin' super stylin' at the SF Food Bank ;)
They had us package it! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll be posting my recipe for creamy coconut kitchari as promised sometime today or tomorrow. 

Love and namaste, 


  1. You're so cute, Lummy! Love reading about your adventures and how fabulously life is treating you! xo

  2. Hey Kate! I love the idea of kit hair sushi! Did you make the kit chair with lentils, rice, bell pepper, sweet potato and spices and the wrap it up with avocado? It's hard to tell from the pics and I'd live to do it:)

    1. Whoops - kit hair was supposed to be kitchari. Corrective text:)

  3. It's kitchari sushi in that it contains rice and lentils but I didn't cook them together...I made the brown rice and lentils separately then put down the rice on the seaweed then layered the lentils and assorted vegetables on top, then rolled it up and sealed the end with water. The bell pepper was raw and thinly sliced but the sweet potato had been roasted. The thing you want to be sure about is that the layers are very thin or you'll end up with a burrito! :) Enjoy!
