
Friday, September 2, 2011

How-to: Sprout Mung Beans

Must have been something in the stars because both Shruthi from Cardamom Kitchen in Philadelphia and I sprouted mung beans with the intention of blogging about it! She and I only recently got a chance to meet and chat over the phone, and her ayurvedic personal chef offering are quite inspiring. Wheels are turning in my mind as you all know how much I love cooking. Anyway, it had been a little while since I'd sprouted beans and it made me oh-so-happy. It's incredibly easy! Really, you can't mess this up. -or at least you'd have to try really hard to. Before I get to the mung beans, I thought I'd show you a couple other things that are making me really happy around my home lately: 

On the top: The rug I bought at Mount Madonna over a year ago that's moved to the entrance way of my apartment. (and not having blindingly white feet, haha. It will be a short-lived pleasure) 
On the bottom: Ganesh! Ganesh (also from MM) lives on the shelf facing my front door. Every time I walk past him, I'm reminded of him looking after me, sweeping obstacles out of my way. Plus, it's his birthday!! Check out this great song by MC Yogi to learn more about the amazing Ganesh: MC Yogi's "Ganesh Is Fresh"

My growing cookbook collection! They live on a high shelf in my kitchen above the table, so I'm always pulling one (or two or three) down for some inspiration. Plus, there's a new addition I can't wait to try out: PLENTY (on the left), a vegetarian cookbook composed by a London gourmet food shop. 

And now.... (drumroll please)... sprouted mung beans!

Why I love sprouted mung beans: 
#1: They are so easy! Really, honestly. You'd really have to try to mess 'em up. 
#2: They make lunch sooo fast! They cook in 15 minutes or so- love it!
#3: My main man (who's not a beans and rice kind of guy) eats them plain! Loves them as a snack! YES!! 

derived from Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners by Amadea Morningstar

1/3 c whole green mung beans per person 

Soak the beans overnight in at least 1 1/2 c water. In the morning, rinse the beans well in a mesh strainer then put beans in a pot or dish with a cover that lets no light in (simulating them being in the ground). Leave in a cool place. The following day, rinse beans again and they may have already sprouted and be ready for use! Or rinse them again and leave them another day. 

Sprouting makes mung beans even more digestible (who knew that was possible?!) and increases their Vitamin C and B complex. Plus, it makes drastically reduces their cooking time! (YAY!!) 

  • V: Great! Cook well and add ghee or other oil. Don't eat raw. 
  • P: Great!! Eat them raw as a snack or cook. 
  • K: Great! Eat them cooked. 

Now something to ponder, I made these two weeks in a row and the second time the sprouts were huge by the end of the second day when before they were much smaller. The only differences were where I kept the pot, and that I used about 1 c of mung beans rather than 1/3 cup. I think keeping the pot where it gets hit with a little bit of sun each day speeds up sprouting- but I could be wrong. Anyone agree with me?  

And lastly, if you don't already follow me on Facebook, you're missing out on some great stuff! 

Day 0: Soak the beans overnight. 

Day 1 (from left to right) : 
(1) Soaked beans in their soaking water. (2) Soaked beans, rinsed and in pot. 
(3)My perfect soaking beans pot. A super sweet present from Ellen Borengasser.

Day 2: My sprouts! Rinsed and waiting to be cooked and devoured! 

In my kitchari. YUM! 


  1. Oooooo! So happy to find your site ~ and on such a yummy, colorful day! Thank you for these photos. They really bring the joy of Mung Beans to life. Aren't they such packets of power, potency and pure love?

  2. oh yes! I could write my mung beans a love song with ease, but it might be the length of the hanuman chalisa ;) (haha, yoga joke.) Just peeked at your blog and the Dancing Plum products you've put together sound incredible! Wish I could be there for the Urban store opening. Have fun!

  3. Yummmmmm Kate - what a lovely post. I was struck by the colors of your rug and Ganesh! It was nice to get a 'peek' at your living space.
